UR Models

UR Models – Modelling agencies and how they work

Knowing how modelling agencies work will not only benefit your knowledge, help you crack into the industry but also give you all options then you can decide which is best for you.

UR Models often get asked What is an agency? They are a company who represents a model and works to get them paid work. They earn a commission from the job they get you on, so it’s in their best interest to work hard for you

UR Models Who do big agencies work with? They work with big budget advertising agencies and companies, this means more income for you and commission for them

UR Models What will they offer models? Agencies invest into the models and increasing there skills as this ultimately works for them and you. They will get you training, test shoots, portfolios, create you comp cards and printed material. They do all this by deducting it out of models final pay as well as their commission, so you both are equally investing

UR Models Who does the agency approach for work? They present you to designers, photographers, ad agencies and casting directors.

UR Models What are they responsible for? They book the jobs, they bill for the jobs and then pay the model. By them handling everything you as model gets the time to concentrate on the job at hand and developing your abilities.

What is an agencies business hours? They generally work 24 hours a day as the modelling world is not your typical 9-5 job, if they are not in office most agencies will have an operator or an out of hours service.


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